Monday, December 3, 2007

The Water Co Is Full of **it.

More than 2 months after putting any water in our swimming pool, the water/sewer company is now saying that we're using 1400 gal/day.

No shit, that's what they say, and told my husband the bill reading is correct. Now, to be "correct", we'd have to have a whole army regiment with acute dysentery living here during the day and continuously flushing the toilets. (My husband and son have a bad habit of not flushing their pee during the night, and I sleep as hard as the dead, so no flushing is going on then.)

The 'holes have graciously agreed to come out to our house tomorrow morning to "check the meter". Oh, and by the way? This company is owned by the City of S*******burg, South Carolina. Think we can expect terrific service being that this is a gubbermint agency?

The sewer line in front of our house sprung a leak over the summer. Wouldn't surprise me in the least in there's more of the same.

Have a glorious Monday. And yes, I listened to Imus. For 2 minutes. As soon as he said Mary Matalin had written another right wing whacko book, I turned him off. Think he'll apologize and grovel to conservatives? Probably not.


Anonymous said...

Can you find your water meter and read it every day yourself?

doanli said...

Someone from the company is coming over tomorrow, Fred.

Life can never be quiet for 10 minutes, can it?

Anonymous said...

I saw that they are coming out tomorrow. Just thought you could check for yourself, too.

Life's never gonna be quiet as long as everyone's out to get you! :)