Friday, December 21, 2007
It Don't Come Easy
Yesterday, I was waiting on pins and needles waiting to hear something, something that had me answering every phone call which I am less inclined to do on the land line because we don't have caller id. And I think we have heard from every charity organization in the state and representatives of every Republican candidate in the last 2 weeks. All wanting money after monotonously reading me a script eschewing their virtues. I've finally gotten over my phobia of being rude, and I'm now hanging up on most of them. Because I'm practicing a little bit of selfishness. Something I have put down on my New Year's Resolution list. Ever heard of that?
I replied to a company superior, who turned me down for a raise earlier this year, that I would not be able to work overtime this weekend. That's only the second time I have told any manager that I cannot work OT in the 7 years I have worked for them. I didn't owe him anything. And instead of feeling guilty, I Because when I had said "yes" in the past 2 years, I have actually felt....guilty. But that guilt was not only because I was depriving myself of much needed personal recreation and rest, but much needed time with my family, especially my son. And guess who is hitting the double digits starting next year?
I have never received a bonus with this company. We have never received across the board raises that we didn't have to have an "approved evaluation" to receive. I know it's bad, but I don't owe them anything. If I could travel, I would be making hand over fistfuls of money, and they know as my being a mom working from home, they've got me where they want me. They think of us as a dime a dozen. Some employees even had to take a pay cut a few years ago...and were told about it right before Christmas. And Christmas? This is hysterical. No cards, not even cheap gadgets that your geeky husband has more appreciation for than you do.
Well, no more.
I have told the recruiter of this other company what I want. And I have a HELLUVA lot to give clients and to any company that I work for. I'm tired of feeling that I have to be so subservient to anyone, and take abuse, just so I can thank God above that I have a job with them, as if nobody else would want to hire me. Gee that sounds like ...domestic abuse?
One thing that I will always be proud of myself about is that when I make up my mind about anything or anyone, 99.9% of the time, my mind will NOT be changed.
One of the company vice-presidents told my managers to budget a new computer for me in 2008. I burst out laughing. My typing fingers can be just as bad as my mouth sometimes....I so wanted to reply "I don't think that will be necessary.."
Change is scary, and I've sometimes questioned moving here, for instance. But I've looked back at my life and I think of all the chances I blew simply because of my fear of the unknown...of being comfy just by being "stagnant". I have to take chances.
I will not be afraid anymore. That actually, is on the top of my list for 2008.
And with that profound thought, I'll shut up again about the personal life and try to get interested in the news. And for starters, what I've read about Mike Huckabee ain't pretty. I will never vote for a bigot or anyone who demonizes others but can't take any criticism himself. Kind of like the Hildabeast herself.
I don't even know where or what happened to make him a Republican front-runner, I cannot find ONE Huck for Prez sign here where I live here in South Carolina, one of the early primary states.
Please let this nightmare pass. Please let this not be our nominee for President.
I dread November.
My Profile
Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
(Look for some cat blogging too.)
Here is where I wish I were right now instead of damp and cold South Caroliney..
Monday, December 17, 2007

This has become a po' neglected blog.
I don't blog about the personal stuff here, I save that for the Journal, but frankly life has been very busy and hectic that I hardly have any time to even read the news much anymore.
And I don't want to get so stressed out that I end up looking as aged as Hillary. No job in the world is worth aging you another 10-20 years. I feel sorry for Hillary, but she can bow out of this anytime she wants to, now can't she? I doubt Obama is aging as fast, but give him 4 years in the WH...most of the men have left there looking like shit, even dead.
Hope everyone is caught up with their shopping. Of course I haven't.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Reason #5 To Hate Islam
"Religious" Muslim dad murders his daughter for not wearing her habib (whatever the fuck it's called)
I hate this cult, and I hate even more the politically correct goon squads who intimidate us into treating this "religion" with the same reverence we give to our own belief system. I'd give you a hundred years to spout your "all cultures are equal" bullshit, and you'll never convince me ONE IOTA of ANY good Islam has done for the world. NOT ONE
And I hate the NOW and the other "feminist" hypocrites for not coming public with any "outrage" about the OBVIOUS mysogyny of this..."religion". You all are just as responsible for this child's death as the radicals who condone these "honor killings". Where are you these people who "liberated" me as a woman, supposedly to make ALL women's lives better? Where the fuck are you? Probably you'll stay silent just in case you get the Van Gogh treatment, eh?
Assholes. Cowardly, spineless, Assholes.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Getting the Weekend Off the Right Way
Guess what was playing on there yesterday as I was driving?
Remember when Mitsubishi used this tune on their commercials?
Where's The Rage?
Hanukkah Hams! Get 'em while they last!
A posh food store in New York's Greenwich Village has found itself red faced after offering hams for sale with the slogan "Delicious for Hanukkah," the current Jewish religious holiday.
Uh oh. Looks like someone made a boo-boo.
The non-kosher labelling was spotted at the weekend by Manhattan novelist Nancy Kay Shapiro, 46, who decided instead of alerting management to take a picture of the unorthodox sign and post it on the Internet.
"I just thought it was funny," Shapiro, who described herself as an unobservant Jew, told the New York Post. "I wasn't offended in any way. I just thought, here's somebody who knows nothing about what Jews eat."
What....WHAT? No calls for beheadings of these infidels? This shop hasn't been burned down yet? Where's the OUTRAGE? Where's the fucking A-C-L-U when you need them? (Oh yeah...they're tied up this time of year getting rid of those offensive Nativity scenes and Christmas from "public" publics. Take a number...they'll get back with you on January 2nd at the earliest)....
Um...dayum... the lady thinks this was FUNNY? Well, damn her too, the apostate! And behead her as well!
Not good enough. Someone must pay for insulting the Prophet!
A manager at the Balducci's gourmet grocery store told the newspaper that the sign was a mistake and blamed it on a stock clerk.
(Yeah, blame on it on someone's always someone else's fault these days, isn't it? (dori))
Pork and shellfish are among the foods considered unclean under Jewish law.
Er...wrong religion. Heh.
Never mind.
Thank God those "Joooooooos" have a sense of humor, huh? Wish members of a certain other religion would learn from them. The key word being "would" if they "could". 9th century mindsets are hard to change, you see.
BTW, I've added a teddy bear to my Christmas wish list. Think I'll call him "Mo".
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Getting a google (email) account is very easy and free, so I hope if you really REALLY want to say something here I hope you'll take the 2 minutes of trouble to get it.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Cool, A Poll!
They will be at the bottom of the page, if anyone is interested. I will try to keep them updated depending on how busy I am or if the Spirit moves me with a creative question.
Take my poll. Please? Fred is laughing his ass off at me because he's the only one who has answered it.
Don't cause me to have suicidal thoughts tonight, okay?
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Water Co Is Full of **it.
No shit, that's what they say, and told my husband the bill reading is correct. Now, to be "correct", we'd have to have a whole army regiment with acute dysentery living here during the day and continuously flushing the toilets. (My husband and son have a bad habit of not flushing their pee during the night, and I sleep as hard as the dead, so no flushing is going on then.)
The 'holes have graciously agreed to come out to our house tomorrow morning to "check the meter". Oh, and by the way? This company is owned by the City of S*******burg, South Carolina. Think we can expect terrific service being that this is a gubbermint agency?
The sewer line in front of our house sprung a leak over the summer. Wouldn't surprise me in the least in there's more of the same.
Have a glorious Monday. And yes, I listened to Imus. For 2 minutes. As soon as he said Mary Matalin had written another right wing whacko book, I turned him off. Think he'll apologize and grovel to conservatives? Probably not.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The PC Crowd Mourns
Get over it, you crybabies, this is America, The US Constitution does not protect you from getting your litty, bitty, itty feelings hurt.
Take it from me, "The Godfather" (1, 2, and 3) and "The Sopranos" have not driven me to suicide nor has incessant requests for great pasta sauce recipes. (Though the thought of having possible Mafia connections via dead relatives' murky pasts brings out a certain inner evil joy in me that leaves me cackling out loud at 3 in the morning.)
If you don't like it, don't listen to it, dumbass.
Or go to Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, or the U.K. where they're especially tuned in to overly sensitive feewings.
Belly Art
I chickened out, which in hindsight turned out to be a good thing because as you know, the skin slowly loses elasticity as we age making any jewelery I might choose to place down there, well..possibly more and more inconspicuous as my skin slowly goes downward. Something which I am trying to fight valiantly against, mind you, without starving my body of healthy nutrients. Starving being my M.O. back in my late teens and twenties, which has caused my bones to develop osteoporosis, which of course meant NOTHING to me back then since the "future" for me was what I would be doing in the next 2 weeks. Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be anorexics. It's just as deadly, if not more, than obesity.
Enough of the drama.
As the beginning of my 44th year on Earth is fast approaching, I have researched and found out that one does not need piercing, tattooing, excessive exercising, starving, or even plastic surgery to make one's body a piece of art.
No pain needed whatsoever. This chick proves it.
Happy belated Friday. (Sorry, I was PMSing too much to bother mentioning it yesterday.)